Self-Love Principles (Food)


Principles to eat by:

  1. Food has a purpose. Beyond that purpose (eating too much) its value quickly diminishes to the point of becoming toxic, addictive, or burdensome. Having too little food can also be harmful.
  2. Water can also be part of a meal. If desired, taking sips of water with a meal can aid digestion. Drinking an entire glass however might do the opposite.
  3. Great meals are balanced from a nutritional point of view. Vegetables and fresh ingredients should always be the top priority.
  4. Food has added value when self-prepared. The ritual before a meal can be as important as the meal itself.
  5. Food is best enjoyed in peace. Ideally, no electronics should be in use, nor kept on the table. Reading is best done after, rather than during, a meal. Soothing music in the background can be good company during a meal.
  6. Whenever possible, meals should be eaten warm. Not hot, and not cold from the fridge. Room temperature is acceptable, though not ideal.
  7. Meals should be enjoyed in an upright seated posture. Eating while lying in bed, lounging, or standing is best avoided.
  8. Stress impairs digestion. Anchor the beginning of a meal by breathing in and out deeply through the nose. Expressing one’s gratefulness for the food as well as for the body’s effort in the upcoming digestion calms the mind and prepares the body for receiving the food.
  9. Keeping a food diary containing the meal time, the amount and type of food can be useful and fun. One’s well-being can be traced to the food we eat.
  10. Fruit sugar is the best choice, but if fruits are not available, self-baked deserts are the best alternative.
  11. Consistently having delicious and balanced meals is a form of self-love.

“The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art…” Dione Lucas